Jaguares: 12 - 13 years old

This course is designed for teenagers in their first years of high school.  

The lessons are designed with attractive material and activities for this age group. For example if we are learning daily activities, they would have to film a day in their lives, doing things like skating to school, having dinner, hanging out with friends, doing homework, etc. They would have to add text to the video in Spanish, and if they know any Spanish speakers or other students, do a little interview. 

We are proud of our culture and we show that in our lessons, we pay special attention to cultural aspects and spanish way of life. 
We can also prepare students to pass their exams. We will together with the student check the exam contents and prepare specific activities and exercises focused on achieving this purpose. We can offer extra support in English during the lessons if necessary. We will the student´s hobbies, and interests and build the lessons around that. To gain motivation, we will use the latest technology and / or social media.

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What can I learn in each course?

We offer :
  • Beginners (A1)
  • Elementary (A2)
For higher levels please fill in this form

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​Beginners courses: there are three beginners levels and conversation.  ​ Each level is 10 lessons.

Beginners 1


  • Giving and requesting personal information, age, name, where do you live etc.
  • Introduce yourself
  • Spelling
  • Talk about important dates and when it takes place
  • Introduce others, countries, nationalities, languages etc.
  • Talk about likes and dislikes
  • Talk about habits


  • Phonetic alphabet, letters, vowels, consonants and intonation.
  • Nouns and adjectives gender
  • Three conjugations -ar, -er and -ir in present
  • Verbs ser, llamarse, tener, estar
  • Personal pronouns
  • Verb gustar
  • Indefinite and definite articles
  • Reflexive verbs
    Numbers to 30


  • Madrid
  • Languages spoken in Spain
  • Two Spanish heroes: Don Quijote y el Zorro
  • Peruvian and Spanish cuisine

Beginners 2


  • Talk about animals
  • Talk about people’s personality
  • Describe people
  • Talk about the family 
  • Describe a house and its rooms
  • Colours


  • Verbs: gustar and encantar
  • Direct object pronouns
    también and tampoco 
  • Present tense irregulars verbs
  • Hay and no hay
    Verbs: ser, tener y llevar
  • Prepositions like delante, detrás, encima, al lado, etc. 


  • Peruvian animals
  • The Oceanografic in Valencia
  • Colombian serie: La chica vampiro
  • Joaquin Sorolla, a Valencian painter
  • Spanish surnames

Beginners 3


  • Talk about daily routines, in the morning, half day and evening. 
  • Talk about timetables
  • Talk about after school activities and hobbies
  • Talk about your city and neighbourhood 
  • Compare city life with life in a village
  • Talk about norms in the city


  • Daily activities
  • Present tense regular, irregular and reflexive verbs
  • Verbs with vowel change: vestirse, dormir and merendar
  • Verbs like ver, ir, hacer y estar
  • Hay vs estar
  • La hora
  • Muy, mucho, mucha, muchas, muchos, poco, poca, pocos y pocas

Cultural differences:

  • Pontevedra
  • Spanish kiosks
  • El camino de Santiago
  • Flying children school
  • El Fandango
  • Spanish timetables


In this course we do not offer new grammar. We practice the subjects we learned in Beginners 1 2 and 3. This course´s focus is on speaking and increasing the vocabulary.

Example of special projects: create a comic, make a film, write emails to other students, reading a book and making a presentation in class, etc

Elementary courses: there are three Elementary levels and conversation. ​ Each level is 10 lessons.

Elementary 1


  • Describe people’s mood and characters 
  • Compare Spanish education system to yours
  • Propose activities, accept or decline invitations
  • Talk about activities and trips in the past
  • Plan touristic activities
  • Talk about the weather


  • Ser and estar + adjective
  • Muy, bastante, un poco
  • Future ir a + infinitive
  • Verbs ir and venir
  • Verbs traer y llevar
  • Pretérito perfecto
  • Pretérito perfecto markers hoy, esta mañana, este año, etc.
  • Direct object pronouns
  • Movement prepositions a, en, por, etc. 


  • Zaragoza
  • Spanish education system: timetable, holidays, marks, etc.
  • Some historic periods in Zaragoza
  • Canary Islands
  • El Teide
  • Los guanches: the first Canary Islands inhabitants
  • Timanfaya National Park

Elementary 2


  • Talk about experiences  and adventures
  • Compare your life as a child with your current life
  • Talk about primary school and the game you used to play
  • Talk about the changes in the media


  • Imperfecto
  • Imperfecto markers: en los años…., en aquella época…, en el siglo…., hoy en día….
  • Estar + gerundio
  • Por and para
  • Ser review


  • Primary schools in Chile
  • Traditional games
  • Los mapuches: traditions and their current struggles

Elementary Conversación

In this course we do not offer new grammar. We practice the subjects we learned in Elementary 1 2 and 3. This course focus is on speaking and increasing the vocabulary. ​Example of special projects: create a comic, make a film, write emails to other students, reading a book and making a presentation in class, etc